Do you need quality web creation work delivered quickly and reasonably priced? Most sites can be completed within 10 business days for $900.00. If needed, I will help you select/register a domain and assist in locating a reliable Internet Service Provider (ISP). Site makeovers start as low as $100! I can assist with website design, development, implementation & administration. Some people might tell you it takes a long time & a ton of $$ to get an online presence, but contact me to see how I can get you started for as little as $100!
If you’re lucky enough to live in the Columbus, OH area you can take advantage of my mobile PC repair business. From routine virus removals to complete operating system overhauls – “If it’s broken I can fix it!” Give me a buzz to get your machines back in tip-top shape!
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****Buckeye Blitz Promo*** 50% OFF PC Services
So you’re ready to take your business to the next level but still need to stretch your budget? I offer a variety of offline services tailored for small business: Communications, Contracting, Proofreading, Information Security, Document Preparation & much, much more! Contact me today to schedule your free consultation appointment!