Our Services
What we Do BestPN&A, Inc. believes the greatest degree of learning occurs in an environment of reciprocal respect. As presenters, we seek to increase our audience’s knowledge base to a level that enables well-informed decision-making.
Try Our Training Approach
Leadership Series
The success of any initiative is inextricably linked to the success of those leading it; the more challenging the initiative, the greater the linkage must become.
Management Series
This management series covers many topics while focusing on the myth of meritocracy; the notion that good works are their own reward.
PN&A, Inc. provides the highest level of service at extremely competitive rates. Our management consultation is available by retainer or billed incrementally. We offer both commercial and government pricing lists.
PN&A, Inc.
Excellence is our rule, not an exception
Since 1986, PN&A, Inc. has provided management consulting services to hundreds of organizations and broad-based (soft skills) training to thousands of managers and employees.
Executive Coaching
o An emotional intelligence or 360-degree view assessment;
o A leadership oriented personality assessment, or;
o A career profile assessment.
How does culture impact differences in female/male communication styles? Do men think women speak too softly? Do women need different environments to communicate effectively? Discover answers to these queries and more!
Time Management
The effect of regaining control of our time will be evidenced in greater work efficiency, enhanced personal productivity, elevated sense of accomplishment, and reduced levels of stress.
EEO Investigative and Resolution Services
Services include developing impartial, factual records that help agencies and organizations facilitate decisions on the claims raised in formal EEO complaints.
Looking At Race: A Day of Facilitated Discussion
This facilitated discourse leads to stimulating, thought-provoking enlightenment about cultural myths, their origins, and their impact on the organization.